Acinnet - Journal, Academic Mobility and Innovation 2024-05-29T18:57:54-03:00 Universidad Autónoma de Encarnación Open Journal Systems <p><img src="/public/site/images/admin/cover_issue_41_pt_BR2.jpg"></p> EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. TRANSFORMATION, INNOVATION AND GOOD PRACTICES 2024-05-29T18:57:54-03:00 Nadia <p>La temática encuentra abordajes desde los negocios, la educación, la ingeniería y la legislación, revisando aspectos como internacionalización de las instituciones, economía del conocimiento, gestión educativa, tecnologías e innovación, educación superior, derechos humanos, pobreza y temática de género. Dan una perspectiva amplia sobre el desarrollo reuniendo experiencias, buenas prácticas y estudios de contextos provenientes de diferentes regiones del mundo.</p> <p>De esa manera, en el artículo A IMPORTÂNCIA DA PSICOLOGIA POSITIVA NO CONTEXTO DE APRENDIZAGEM: A PERSPECTIVA DE SUCESSO NA INSERÇÃO NO MERCADO DE TRABALHO NOS CONTEXTOS DE UNIVERSIDADES PÚBLICAS E PRIVADAS de Dr. Luis Felipe de Oliveira Fleury, se analiza el valor de la psicología positiva en las experiencias educativas de los estudiantes universitario para la adquisición de habilidades que permitan la adaptación satisfactoria al mundo laboral competitivo.&nbsp;</p> <p>Las soluciones sostenibles requieren en efecto de habilidades blandas como lo demuestra el artículo anterior. La innovación satisface la necesidad de nuevas soluciones para responder a los cambios o sobreponerse a los fracasos. Un ejemplo de buenas prácticas lo encontramos en FAVELA INOVA - A FORÇA DAS STARTUPS DENTRO DAS COMUNIDADES VULNERÁVEIS NO BRASIL (Diego Muniz Braga, Claudia de Freitas Lopes Costa, André Luis Azevedo Guedes), trabajo que propone el desarrollo económico en contextos vulnerables a partir de la participación de jóvenes mediante emprendimientos de oferta y consumo local, sumando experiencias aportadas por la globalización y las tecnologías.&nbsp;</p> <p>En respuesta a la necesidad de una economía sostenible, encontramos también que Rodrigo Gomes Alves, Valmir de Sousa Farias y Carlos Alberto Figueiredo da Silva en el artículo A UTILIZAÇÃO DA FARINHA DE OKARA NA PANIFICAÇÃO: UMA REVISÃO NARRATIVA analizan varias décadas de producción alimenticia, ingredientes empleados y nuevas alternativas de aprovechamiento máximo de la producción agraria.&nbsp;</p> <p>En lo relativo a la internacionalización encontramos artículos que abordan la revisión de procedimientos resultantes de la interacción con el contexto global, como lo ha sido la pandemia COVID -19. En la experiencia NIVEL DE APLICACIÓN DE PROTOCOLOS DE BIOSEGURIDAD EN EL SECTOR EXTRA HOTELERO DEL DEPARTAMENTO DE ITAPÚA, PARAGUAY, AÑO 2022, reunida por Yanina Gerhard y Jonatahan Rotela, se describe el acompañamiento exitoso que recibieron los emprendimientos del sector turísticos hotelero para continuar con el servicio bajo los requerimientos nacionales, los cuales en un principio no contemplaban establecimientos pequeños. También sobre internacionalización Cíntia L. Barros Avelinoi y Marília Leite Couto presentan un análisis teórico en los aspectos jurídico, político y social que se verán afectados con la implementación del PEC 16/21, en&nbsp; BREVE COMENTÁRIO ACERCA DA PEC 16/21: POSSÍVEIS ALTERAÇÕES NA PERDA DA NACIONALIDADE BRASILEIRA.</p> <p>Un tema de gran interés histórico y con gran relevancia en la agenda internacional reciente es la erradicación de la violencia en todas sus formas, especialmente en la lucha de la igualdad de derechos entre hombres y mujeres, ya que no es posible hablar de sostenibilidad ni desarrollo sin garantías de derecho para todos y todas. El artículo A CONVENÇÃO PARA ELIMINAÇÃO DE TODAS AS FORMAS DE DISCRIMINAÇÃO CONTRA AS MULHERES (CEDAW) E AS PRINCIPAIS ATRIBUIÇÕES DO SEU COMITÊ aborda esta cuestión por Patrícia Bordinhão S. Barbosa y Felipe Cavaliere Tavares.</p> 2024-05-29T10:35:08-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Acinnet - Journal, Academic Mobility and Innovation THE USE OF OKARA FLOUR IN BAKING: A NARRATIVE REVIEW 2024-05-29T10:38:57-03:00 Rodrigo Gomes Alves Valmir Carlos Alberto <p>The aim of this article is to carry out a narrative review of the literature on ultra-processed products and food reuse in baking, with the addition of okara flour. Data were collected through academic Google, Scielo and the UNISUAM sectoral library. Publications in portuguese were used, referring to the period from 1985 to 2022. The findings show that the increasing consumption of ultra-processed foods confirms a food profile rich in calories and harmful ingredients. Thus, it becomes necessary to develop products that contain functional properties, and that can balance the deleterious effects of added inputs. One of the verified foods is okara, residue from soy processing, with a very low market value, but still little used in the food industries. Therefore, okara can be used in bakery products, presenting itself as a healthy alternative for food industries and their consumers.</p> 2024-05-29T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Acinnet - Journal, Academic Mobility and Innovation THE CONVENTION ON THE ELIMINATION OF ALL FORMS OF DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOMEN (CEDAW) AND THE MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES OF ITS COMMITTEE 2024-05-29T10:38:58-03:00 Patrícia Felipe <p>The purpose of this article is to analyze the importance of the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), as well as the main attributions of its Committee. In this sense, the first chapter presents the historical context of the creation of CEDAW. The second chapter presents its main provisions. And the third chapter, finally, analyzes the operation of the CEDAW Committee, deepening the study of its three main attributions: inspecting the States; receive reports of violations of women's rights; make General Recommendations to the States. At the end, the article presents a conclusion on the topic addressed.</p> 2024-05-29T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Acinnet - Journal, Academic Mobility and Innovation FAVELA INOVA - THE STRENGTH OF STARTUPS WITHIN VULNERABLE COMMUNITIES IN BRAZIL 2024-05-29T10:38:59-03:00 Diego Claudia de Freitas André Luis <p>Entrepreneurship in Brazil has grown with the worsening of global social issues, however, favelas play a key role in the economy at the bottom of the pyramid. There is power that can be used to foster business through entrepreneurship and innovation, especially in vulnerable locations. The objective of this article is to demonstrate how the FAVELA INOVA program was built, which is a social technology to generate income and employability for communities, as the money generated by solutions created by favela entrepreneurs circulates and is reinvested by residents, to develop improvements in the community. community itself. The article demonstrates that social technology can be beneficial to slum entrepreneurs in any territory in the world, with a view to local development in connection with solutions to global problems. The program positively impacts young people on factors related to social, economic, and environmental issues in the most vulnerable communities.</p> 2024-05-29T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Acinnet - Journal, Academic Mobility and Innovation THE IMPORTANCE OF POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY IN THE LEARNING CONTEXT: THE PERSPECTIVE OF SUCCESSFUL INSERTION IN THE JOB MARKET IN THE CONTEXT OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES 2024-05-29T10:38:59-03:00 Luis Felipe <p>The study is quantitative in nature. A total of 484 university students from the state of Rio de Janeiro participated in the study, 407 women, aged between 17 and 59 years (mean equal to 25.47 years, standard deviation of 8.99 years) from different undergraduate courses belonging to public (42.20%) and private (57.80%) universities in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Descriptive statistical analyzes and Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis were performed with the support of SPSS and AMOS software. The main results and conclusions of the study are that the variables related to Positive Psychology positively influence the students' perspective of success in entering the job market and that students from private universities presented better indicators of self-esteem, self-efficacy, internality locus of control, mindfulness and prospect of success in entering the job market when compared with students from public universities. The results of the study indicate the importance of Positive Psychology being considered in training contexts.</p> 2024-05-29T00:00:00-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Acinnet - Journal, Academic Mobility and Innovation BRIEF COMMENT ABOUT PEC 16/21: POSSIBLE CHANGES IN THE LOSS OF BRAZILIAN NATIONALITY 2024-05-29T10:39:00-03:00 Cíntia L. Marília <p>The present work aims to analyze the PEC 16/21, which changes the wording of art. 12 of the Brazilian Federal Constitution in the light of national and international legislation regarding the legal institute of nationality, by problematizing the possible impacts of this amendment for Brazilians who, voluntarily, undergo the process of acquiring a new nationality. It also aims to contribute to future studies and to the expansion of discussions on the subject of dual nationality of Brazilians in the field of legal, political and social knowledge. The methodology used was hypothetical - deductive based on the theoretical framework obtained through bibliographical research, national legislation, conventions to which Brazil is a signatory and scientific production on the subject.</p> 2024-05-29T09:59:53-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Acinnet - Journal, Academic Mobility and Innovation LEVEL OF APPLICATION OF BIOSECURITY PROTOCOLS IN THE EXTRA HOTEL SECTOR OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ITAPÚA, PARAGUAY, YEAR 2022. 2024-05-29T10:39:00-03:00 Yanina Jonathan <p>The COVID-19 pandemic has generated paradigm shifts in tourism with the revaluation of destinations and the generation of strategies to position themselves in the market. Therefore, the research dealt with the level of compliance with biosecurity protocols in the extra-hotel sector of the department of Itapúa, Paraguay, in the first semester of 2022. A quantitative-descriptive methodology was established, non-experimental, and through the application of surveys to six (n=6) officially authorized tourist inns during the first semester of the year 2022. The research has shown that the application of the Guide of Good Biosafety Practices established by SENATUR to the hotel sector generated an impact on the extra-hotel sector by applying the measures on a frequent basis; however, several measures had to be adapted due to the characteristics of the Inns to be considered as differentiating factors of quality and innovation.</p> 2024-05-29T10:01:02-03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Acinnet - Journal, Academic Mobility and Innovation