Interação - Revista de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão <p><img src="/public/site/images/admin/cover_issue_46_pt_BR.jpg"></p> pt-BR (Gladis Camarini) (Márcia Letícia L. S. Baldim / Bruno Henrique da Cruz) Mon, 18 Mar 2024 12:20:09 -0300 OJS 60 ONLINE PUBLIC COMMUNICATION <p>Social media platforms have been used by the most diverse sectors of public administration as communication channels with society. This article aims to analyze the structure of the communication sectors in 16 city halls in the Varginha-MG micro-region, the profile of the professionals working in these areas and the financial resources allocated for investment in the social media platforms Facebook and Instagram. The data was obtained through the Transparency Portals, as well as the collection and analysis of 6,203 posts. It was found that the structure of the area is mostly made up of commissioned civil servants with a degree in journalism and can be considered insufficient to meet the growing demands. In two municipalities there are official publications on social media platforms, but there is no institutionalized communication sector or professionals specifically for the area.</p> José Agnaldo Montesso Júnior, Carla Leila Oliveira Campos Copyright (c) 2024 Interação - Revista de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão Mon, 18 Mar 2024 12:07:47 -0300 A BUSCA E APREENSÃO DOMICILIAR E PESSOAL COMO MEIO DE PROVA NO PROCESSO PENAL À LUZ DA LEI 13.869/2019 <p>The present tract will present the result of the study on search and seizure as a means of evidence in criminal proceedings in the light of Law 13.869/2019 (Law on Abuse of Authority). The research made use of an analysis of bibliographic research focused on the subject, using the hypothetical deductive method, in a qualitative way, based on literary and scientific works already published, as well as on legislation and precedents, analyzing the problematizations and discussions, seeking a broader and more solid knowledge on the presented topic. It is about search and seizure as a means of obtaining evidence, as well as delimiting the types dealt with by the Criminal Procedure Code, emphasizing personal and household search and seizure. We still discuss the limits of search and seizure, the way of carrying it out, as well as the assumptions for obtaining a valid diligence. An analysis of the search and seizure is carried out in the light of Law 13.869/2019, facing the way in which police approaches are carried out, the way in which the entry into residences is made, the (im)dispensability of the warrant for this, the discretion in carrying out approaches and the crimes of abuse of authority committed in the context of the search and seizure to obtain evidence. It was possible to conclude by the existence of arbitrariness in carrying out such investigations, by the difficulty in proving the existence of these crimes, as well as by the absence of specific instruments that penalize certain conducts.</p> Almir Santos Reis Junior, Ana Carolina Bispo Pontara; Gilciane Allen Baretta Copyright (c) 2024 Interação - Revista de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão Thu, 04 Apr 2024 23:26:23 -0300 DEMANDAS DA REDE DE PROTEÇÃO SOCIAL DE VARGINHA-MG PARA A GARANTIA DOS DIREITOS ÀS CRIANÇAS E ADOLESCENTES <p><em>This article discusses the main demands presented by participants in relation to the child and adolescent protection network in Varginha- MG. The qualitative approach research had as its instrument a script-guided interview with representatives of the social protection network in the municipality of Varginha-MG. 01 social worker and 01 psychologist representing the Social Assistance Reference Center - CRAS and 01 social worker and 01 psychologist from the Specialized Social Assistance Center - CREAS were interviewed; 02 guardianship counselors and 01 representative of the Children and Youth Court. The effect of the covid-19 pandemic stands out, which impacted the lives of Brazilian families from a health point of view and may have interfered in the daily lives of children and adolescents, causing social and psychological impacts, resulting in increased demands for the protection network social, in quantitative terms also in relation to modalities, such as neglect, food insecurity, self-mutilation, among others. Data analysis</em> <em>was carried out using the triangulation technique. It is concluded that this context has challenged the protection network, requiring action strategies, intersectoral coordination and continuing education.</em></p> Meirivan de Paula, Elisa Maria Andrade Brisola, Maria Auxiliadora Ávila Copyright (c) 2024 Interação - Revista de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão Wed, 24 Apr 2024 22:50:55 -0300 EDUCATION AS A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY <p>This article examines the importance of education as a strategy for sustainable development based on economic literature and the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Economists recognize education as an effective strategy for national development, offering economic and social advantages. SDG 4 highlights the need for inclusive, equitable, and quality education for all throughout life. Education is seen as a pathway to better jobs, reducing inequalities, and fostering technological development. Case studies, such as the implementation of the Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA) in Foz do Iguaçu, demonstrate its impact not only on the economy but also on social and cultural aspects. Therefore, it is essential for economists, policymakers, and authorities to prioritize investments in education as an integral part of their sustainable development plans.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Samantha Ribas Palazzo, Gilson Batista Oliveira Copyright (c) 2024 Interação - Revista de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão Tue, 21 May 2024 18:56:09 -0300 Practical and continuing education from the banker point of view <p><em>This article addresses practical and ongoing training from the perspective of banking professionals. This approach is justified by the need for banking professionals to acquire new knowledge to remain competitive in the sector. The objective is to present the viewpoint of banking professionals on practical and ongoing training. Forty-four banking professionals participated in this study out of a population of 53, responding to a semi-structured and printed questionnaire. The data were processed using Sphinx®, Google Sheets®, and content analysis, considering the theoretical framework and the research context. The results obtained demonstrated that, in this sample, banking professionals hold various degrees and perceive undergraduate education as important in their professional practice and career progression. Regarding postgraduate education, it was observed that many did not pursue it, indicating a lack of interest and perceived low importance in professional practice and career advancement. Another analysis focused on the continuity of training for participants who considered free courses to be incredibly important. However, they expressed that the courses and training offered by institutions do not meet the needs for professional practice and career progression.</em></p> Claudia Aparecida de Araujo Pereira, Alessandro Messias Moreira, Celso Augusto dos Santos Gomes Copyright (c) 2024 Interação - Revista de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão Thu, 13 Jun 2024 11:34:03 -0300