
  • Francisco Martínez Paiva Universidad Autónoma de Encarnación (UNAE) – Paraguay


Improvement measure, irreproachable, mental disorder, reeducation


In the Paraguayan criminal process, the improvement measure can be found as one of the special procedures, which is used as a legal-criminal consequence, applicable to a person under investigation, who, due to issues related to mental disorders, is considered beyond reproach to act in process for having committed a criminal offense punishable by deprivation of liberty, being under certain physical-mental conditions that entails confinement in a psychiatric establishment or a detoxification establishment. Using the non-experimental method for the investigation, collecting information on the different procedures that are currently developed in the Form Code and verifying through documents which would be the best of all the measures or ways to carry out the special process. Therefore, in this work, the appropriate post-criminal procedure will be determined for use when elements typical of the existence of mental disorder are found.

Author Biography

Francisco Martínez Paiva, Universidad Autónoma de Encarnación (UNAE) – Paraguay

Doctor en Ciencias Jurídicas, Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE). Magíster en Derecho Penal, Universidad Técnica de Comercialización y Desarrollo (UTCD). Especialista en Derecho Procesal Penal, Universidad Católica, Campus Itapúa. Especialista en Didáctica Superior Universitaria, Universidad Nacional de Pilar (UNP). Notario y Escribano Público, Universidad Nacional de Pilar (UNP). Egresado de la Escuela Judicial del Paraguay, Consejo de la Magistratura. Docente Universitario, Facultad de Derecho, filial Ayolas, UNP. y de la Universidad Autónoma de Encarnación. Egresado de la Facultad de Derecho, Universidad Nacional de Asunción (UNA). Coordinador Académico, Facultad de Derecho, Filial Ayolas, UNP. (2015-2023) Agente Fiscal en lo penal. Encarnación, Itapúa, Paraguay. fmartinezpaiva@gmail.com. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1163-0190



How to Cite

Martínez Paiva, F. (2025). SPECIAL PROCEDURE FOR IMPROVEMENT MEASURES IN PARAGUAYAN LEGISLATION. VARIOUS THEORIES. Acinnet - Journal, Academic Mobility and Innovation, 10(1), 191–205. Retrieved from https://periodicos.unis.edu.br/acinnet/article/view/973