Getúlio Vargas;, Discurso;, Produção de sentidos;, Posição de poder;, Massas sociaisAbstract
The speech of Getúlio Vargas when he was president of the Federative Republic of Brazil experienced in two moments, being in his first term (from 1930 to 1945), and in the second term (1951 to 1954), thus becoming, the president who has ruled Brazil the longest, demonstrates the production of meanings of the subject in the position of power. These two moments of possession constitute elements to analyze the conditions experienced in history, and to ascertain how the production of a discursivity hegemonizes certain meanings to its interlecutors, producing meaning effects that sustain, explain, and legitimize the rupture of the effects of meanings that produced a democratic regime previously established in the first term, which can be ascertained by the AD method. The method of Discourse Analysis (AD) conceives interdiscourse as constituting all discourses giving them ideological, historical, and unconscious materiality, because there inscribes other discourses that materialize the modes of social relationship; In this sense, it considers language as constitutive of the subjects who subscribe to / affiliate with strategies of dialogue, based on social positions or certain historical conjunctures. The subject in the position of power thinks he can use speeches to expose, inform, convince, etc. those who, in his imagination, compose the 'social mass', believing that both he and the others are guided by the same longings and values of the same culture and the same history, constituted and challenged ideologically producing the same sense effects. Thus, this article aims at a study of the possibility of controlling the direction of meaning over the social "masses", in the speeches of the subject president Getúlio Vargas, which can once be analyzed in his possession speeches.
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