Child and teenager, Late adoption, Protection netAbstract
The aim of this study was to analyze the late adoption and services provided by the social protection network of children and adolescents institutionalized in União da Vitória-PR, after Law No. 8,069/1990. A bibliographic and field research was carried out on the composition of the social assistance network that acts both in protection and in late adoption. Interviews were applied to six network agents, being: 02 at the Reference Center for Social Assistance (CRAS); 02 at the Specialized Reference Center for Social Assistance (CREAS); 01 in the Court of Childhood and Youth and 01 in the Guardianship Council. Data collection occurred in institutions in 2018. It was noticed that the integral social protection of children and adolescents, which modified institutionalization in that municipality, was articulated regarding late adoption, but faced challenges. Actors involved did not understand the complexity of this process and prevented the operationality of the procedures for adoption. Late adoption is a challenge in guaranteeing the right to family life. A child or adolescent who has been neglected and institutionalized in many cases remains the option of adoption, which also becomes a new challenge: to be accepted especially if he is more than two years of age. It was concluded that this is an issue to be emphasized both in the bias of institutional attributions and of professionals working in the area, at the risk of consolidating myths and contradictions that culturally persist and greatly affect changes in the bases and procedures of late adoption in Brazil.
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