Future of employment, 4th Industrial Revolution, Unemployment, Public PolicyAbstract
Thinking about the professional of the future has been one of the main individual and collective concerns in recent years. The industry that until then was the source of the “best” jobs, with the advent of the 4th Industrial Revolution, seems to need less and less human labor. In this context, the public World Economic Forum, in 2018, the report entitled “The Future of Jobs”, in which it compiles data and opinions of the world's largest employers of the future of jobs, the requirements and adaptations required to meet the requirements of the 4th Industrial Revolution. The analyzes and scenarios outlined have a time horizon of 5 years (2018-2022), but after the beginning of the crisis, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, a new report was published with the same name, format and time horizon (2020-2025). This article uses the bibliographic research methodology to bring a critical reading of the 2018 report, as well as its comparison with the 2020 report. The data contained in the reports in relation to Brazil are mentioned for a local cut and identification of the national situation. It is concluded that the data from the two reports are useful for the analyzes, however in a critical analysis the scope of the groups surveyed is questioned, as well as a positive perspective of the 2018 report, reduced in 2020 even though the positive bias is maintained. Finally, we consider that the problems that the 4th Industrial Revolution has already caused around the world may worsen, especially in countries like Brazil that have historically had issues such as, for example, social inequality that may deepen in the studied context.
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