The socioeconomic development in the municipalities of the Differentiated Region of Águas Emendadas in Brazil
Regional development, Centrality, Regional Economy, Regional Analysis, Socioeconomic DevelopmentAbstract
At the end of the 20th century, the Differentiated Mesoregion of Amended Waters underwent changes in its productive structure. The expansion of the agricultural frontier towards the Midwest brought new socioeconomic dynamics to the Mesoregion, attracting migration flows and new productive structures important to the local context. The aim of this article was to analyze the aspects of socioeconomic development of the municipalities of the Differentiated Region of Águas Emendadas. The variables observed were: population, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Centrality Index, Firjan Municipal Development Index (IFDM) and Disparity Indicator, in the period 2005 and 2016. The results indicate that the State of Goiás concentrated the municipalities that developed the most economically. Catalão city in Goiás was the one that most converged to the most dynamic municipalities, as well as the most attractive. As for the GDP per capita disparity index, it indicated a reduction in the disparity between municipalities, which means that the least developed municipalities have been able to improve their indicators of socioeconomic development. In the general context, during the analysis period, the Mesoregion performed well, but from 2015 the Brazilian economy went into crisis and stagnation. Thus, the most recent research may indicate changes in the development pattern of the region.
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