Liderança, Café, Boa Esperança, Sul de Minas, FazendaAbstract
This work analyzes leadership styles among coffee producers in the Municipality of Boa Esperança - MG. This approach is justified, since this product is highly representative in Minas Gerais, being the Brazilian state with the largest number of coffee plantations (CONAB, 2019), at the state level, the south of the state stands out for having a large volume of coffee plantations. The municipality of Boa Esperança was chosen because it ranks third in the state in terms of production. The objective is to identify the leadership styles of coffee producers, since leadership is present in all associations in which the subject belongs. This work was a qualitative study and used location for data collection. The treatment and analysis of the data were carried out with the help of the Iramuteq software and Excel for the elaboration of the graphics. The present study ??leadership and continuous that there is a strong presence of transformational and transactional leadership styles among the interviewed producers, each time a style standing out, depending on the context in which the leader is inserted.
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