A contribuição teórica de Habermas para a gestão social
Participação, Racionalidade Comunicativa, Gestão SocialAbstract
The central question of this article is to understand Habermas' thinking about the potential for participation in democracy and to evaluate his contributions to the theoretical and conceptual foundation of social management. In this way, the work aims to understand the main theoretical arguments of Habermas, as well as to reflect on their usefulness for the realization of social management. This reflection is justified in the understanding that the Habermasian ideal of a participatory democracy, promoted by communicative action, is an alternative to several dilemmas of modernity identified by the author. Social management is understood as a process imbued with potential for the dialogic participation of civil society actors in decision-making on issues of public interest. This work is developed through bibliographic research on some of Habermas's main works, as well as on relevant references of social management.
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