Structural impact
Structural analysis, Use modification, Retrofit, Structural modellingAbstract
Readjustment/retrofit of the internal layout of buildings can be conducted to modify the use, modernization of buildings and / or to meet current regulatory requirements. When this occurs, it is important to conduct a structural analysis of the building to verify if this resistant capacity to support the loads of the new use, verifying if the new loads are compatible with an existing structure. Thus, the present work aims to evaluate the impacts of use modification in a fictitious building, considering the modification of residential use for use as a school. For this, two models were performed (one for each use) and comparisons were made through the percentage differences between the dimensioned reinforcement for the gate elements of the building. The necessary results that the change of use caused changes in the internal efforts required and, consequently, in the amount of steel needed for the slabs, beams and pillars of the building. The biggest changes in the amount of reinforcement were verified in the slabs and beams, which occurred in up to, respectively, 72.7% and 50.0%; these changes were not as important on the pillars, form tattoos increased by up to 25.0%. Thus, it is quantitatively observed the need to carry out a structural analysis of buildings when they are subjected to change in use due to new loads that may occur when their use is modified.
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