The CESUL case
Innovation, University-company relation, Business CouncilAbstract
The business council of the south of Minas Gerais state (CESUL) is an independent, non-governmental and non-political collegiate group of entrepreneurs, coordinated by the educational group UNIS, institution of higher learning, based in Varginha – MG. For this article, it was sought to analyze, in the scope of the University – Company (U- C) relationship and through qualitative research, innovative actions resulted and generated from the participation of the entrepreneurs in CESUL. Document analysis was carried out by consulting the minutes, news releases, electronic records and news issued by UNIS internal communication. 7 CESUL members were also interviewed. Narrative data, recorded through interviews, were transcribed, organized into summary tables, and analyzed vertically and horizontally. It seems pertinent to state that CESUL has played a major role in the education, guidance and updating of the executives that compose it – and that those advisors are responsible for a considerable part of the region’s financial and human assets. It becomes also clear that CESUL is an initiative articulation agent that makes converge the efforts of governmental, entrepreneurial, and academic powers – and put this regional three-way helix in motion, in order to provide solutions with a positive and innovative impact on society.
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