Social Representations of Teachers in Bilingual Education for the Deaf and their Relationship with the Production of Inclusive Digital Materials
Social Representations, deaf, digital materialsAbstract
The object of this research is the teaching work approached in the light of Serge Moscovici's Theory of Social Representations. The study was carried out in a municipal school in a city in the Metropolitan Region of Vale do Paraíba Paulista and dealt with the relationship with the production of didactic materials, including digital ones, promoting school inclusion for the deaf. The objective was to analyze the social representations of teachers about teaching work in bilingual education for the deaf and its relationship with the production of pedagogical materials, including digital ones. Methodologically, the Free Word Association Technique (TALP) was applied with a sample of 54 professors. The data collected by TALP were processed by the IRaMuTeQ software and subsequently subjected to the content analysis proposed by Bardin (2016). As a result, it was possible to verify that the Social Representations reveal themselves in some antinomies: necessary and essential, as opposed to scarce and neglected.
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