experience of a road concession company


  • Celi Langhi CPS
  • Luci Mendes de Melo Bonini UMC
  • Marina Mattaraia CPS
  • Nilton Alonso CPS



Sustainability, Social and educational programs, Citizenship


The aim of this study is to analyze the actions developed in the Pathways Program for Citizenship. This program is part of a socioducacional action, the integrated sustainability practices and responsibility of the CCR Group, a Brazilian company that operates following the concession of highways. The goal of the program is to develop, coordinate, implement, mobilize and coordinate projects, actions, campaigns and initiatives that enhance social awareness in safety in traffic and environmental protection. In addition to disseminating notions of security in traffic, citizenship and respect for the environment, seeks to save lives, reduce accident rates and preserve the environment. Its scope involves, currently, the partnership with the public networks of 117 municipalities, four Brazilian states. A qualitative research with case study method, exploratory and descriptive character was performed. The results indicated that the resources offered by the Program (thematic meetings, didactic materials and complementary activities) provide integration of the transverse theme Education in Traffic with the curriculum subjects, respecting the school's educational project and series / year, allowing an interaction between different realities, skills and knowledge that gradually bind to traffic education and environmental education to school planning, according to the possibilities of the partner cities, educators and the interests of their students.


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How to Cite

Langhi, C. ., Bonini, L. M. de M. ., Mattaraia, M., & Alonso, N. . (2019). SOCIAL-EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS: experience of a road concession company. Interação - Revista De Ensino, Pesquisa E Extensão, 21(1), 42–50.