Análise do ano 2020.
Import, Varginha, Imported productsAbstract
The study covers international purchases made by the city of Varginha-MG in the year 2020, that is, information will be presented in order to identify the imported value, volume, origin and main characteristics of the products according to the classification section and chapter following the organization of the Mercosur Common Nomenclature – NCM. The city is the 6th place in the state of Minas Gerais in imports registered in the year surveyed, thus, it sought to understand the main data of this result and answer what characteristics of the products imported by the city of Varginha-MG in 2020, their main origins and values? The theory of this article was built through bibliographical and documental research, bringing definitions of trade flow, trade balance, imports, fiscal classification and exchange rate. The data collected showed different origins, that is, partner countries, as well as a variety of products, however, there is a greater concentration in countries such as: Germany, Argentina, China, United States, Mexico and Russia, in addition to importing products in the categories of organic chemical products, pharmaceutical products and fertilizers (fertilizers), allowing to conclude a concentration of international origins and frequency of some imported products.
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