Comparative study of the costs of different types of facades in a pilot project
Precast facade, Cost savings, Sustainability, Schedule reduction, Environmental impactAbstract
The exterior walls of a building has as function to isolate the indoor environment and to give to a pleasant design. However, the most used process is generally composed of mortar and paint. This enforcement proceeding spend much time in the overall schedule of the construction. Furthermore, this way generates a large amount of residues and it can make these services more expensive. On the other hand, we can see a tendency for the industrialization of constructive methods. A practice that has been used is the execution of the walls of a building with prefabricated concrete panels which contributes to the industrialization process of Civil Engineering. Based on this, a comparative study of the execution´s cost of these two methods was conducted, through the percentage of increases end decreases referring to the initial value budgeted for the coating service. This study shows that for this specific building the cost has increase 1.13% when used the prefabricated concrete panels method.
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