About the Journal


The Mythos journal was established at the Cataguases (MG) unit of the UNIS Educational Group. The UNIS Educational Group is maintained by the Fundação de Ensino e Pesquisa do Sul de Minas (FEPESMIG) and currently has units in the cities of Três Pontas (MG), Pouso Alegre (MG), and São Lourenço (MG). The headquarters of both the UNIS Educational Group and its maintaining organization (FEPESMIG) are located in Varginha (MG), where the Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas - UNISMG, a part of the UNIS Educational Group, is also based.

Since its inception, the Mythos journal has aimed to present publications to the community that encompass various fields of knowledge. Following the closure of the UNIS Group's Cataguases Unit in 2023, Mythos has been managed by the Research Department of the Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas - UNISMG, starting in January 2024.


Qualis-CAPES Evaluation - 2017-2020 Quadrennium

Mythos Journal (1984-0098) is classified as B2 in the Education and Interdisciplinary areas in the Qualis-CAPES 2017-2020.



Mythos Journal is in the process of indexing its publications in major Brazilian and international indexers.


Closing Remarks

By embracing interdisciplinarity, Mythos is committed to expanding the boundaries of conventional knowledge. We invite researchers and academics to contribute their unique perspectives, connecting the pieces of the knowledge puzzle to form a more complete and enriching picture.

Join us on the journey to explore the frontiers of interdisciplinary knowledge, where the diversity of ideas is celebrated, and collaboration is the key to unraveling the mysteries that challenge our understanding of the world.


"Simple thinking solves simple problems without thought problems. Complex thinking does not solve problems by itself but constitutes help to the strategy that can solve them." Edgard Morin.

"Instead of being an interpreter, the scientist who embraces a new paradigm is like a man who uses inverted lenses. Faced with the same constellation of objects as before and aware of it, he finds them, nevertheless, totally transformed in many of their details." Thomas Kuhn.


Supporting Sources

Fundação de Ensino e Pesquisa do Sul de Minas - FEPESMIG | Grupo Educacional UNIS | Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas - UNISMG | Departamento de Pesquisa 



To contact the editorial team of Mythos Journal, send an email to revistamythos@unis.edu.br or rodrigo.frogeri@professor.unis.edu.br