the benefits of inserting the elderly in the digital world from a successful experience

Keywords: Youth and Adult Education, Technologies, Third Age Learning


The present work aimed to investigate the processes that involve the teaching-learning of the elderly, what benefits the use of technology promotes for this phase of life, their difficulties, and how learning occurs in this age group.  With the perspective of a successful experience, throughout the text, topics such as: Youth and Adult Education and the Andragogical Process; Andragogy x Pedagogy; How does the Elderly Learn? Psychomotor development, technological interactions, affectivity, and the elderly. The results were presented from the point of view of Paulo Freire, educator and precursor of youth and adult education, among other educators. Thus, through the case report, in order to present the methodology in which the researcher applies and brings significant contributions to society in general. 

How to Cite
Reis , M. C. dos, & Felix, N. M. R. (2021). DIGITAL INCLUSION. Acinnet - Journal, Academic Mobility and Innovation, 7(1), 76 - 90. Retrieved from