Keywords: Evaluation, growth, personnel, employees


Nowadays, productivity is fundamental for companies, since it is the reflection of the good functioning of the organization and can propitiate its growth; due to its transcendence, it is necessary to determine factors that could have an impact on it, and mainly, on the productivity of the personnel, since the employees are the essential element in every company. Among the possible factors of personnel productivity, leadership is considered, which derived the convenience of the study, whose purpose is to determine if it is a factor of impact on personnel productivity. The research was descriptive, since it sought to describe the study phenomenon; it was transversal because it was developed in a determined period of time and in a specific population and a questionnaire was designed as a measurement instrument from which information was obtained that allowed answering the research question, evaluating the hypothesis and achieving the objective.

How to Cite
Galindo, D. M., Galindo, L. M., Lara, R. J. C., Tejeda, J. M., Arano, V. E. H., & Olmos, D. I. G. (2021). LEADERSHIP AS A PRODUCTIVITY FACTOR IN COMPANIES. Acinnet - Journal, Academic Mobility and Innovation, 7(1), 101 - 109. Retrieved from https://periodicos.unis.edu.br/index.php/acinnet/article/view/628