University management from the socialization and transfer of knowledge

  • José Luis Corona Lisboa UNICEPES
Keywords: Knowledge management, socialization, transfer, UNEFM


Universities seek to promote academic and research development to provide teachers with the necessary methodological tools to study and analyze their environment for the construction of new knowledge through its management. The objective of this study was to evaluate university management from the socialization and transfer of knowledge of the teachers of the municipalized programs of the Francisco de Miranda National Experimental University, CABLO-Mauroa, Venezuela. For this, a quantitative investigation was carried out, under a non-experimental field and cross-sectional design, to a sample of 57 teachers. For data analysis, descriptive statistics were used. The results showed that the management carried out by the university authorities from the socialization and transfer of knowledge is not effective. The capacity and empowerment of human talent must be taken into account, in order to take the necessary corrections.

How to Cite
Lisboa, J. L. C. (2021). University management from the socialization and transfer of knowledge. Acinnet - Journal, Academic Mobility and Innovation, 7(1), 134 - 139. Retrieved from