desafios éticos e científicos

  • Ana Lúcia Gomes da Silva Universidade do Estado da Bahia - UNEB
  • Maria Auxiliadora Ávila dos Santos Sá Universidade de Taubaté
  • Jacy Bandeira Almeida Nunes Universidade do Estado da Bahia - UNEB
Keywords: Applied research; Dimensions Ethics and Science; Interventions.


This text is a reflection about the methodological perspectives of educational research
and aims to discuss the challenges of the ethical and scientific dimensions inherent to
applied research, considering the interventions in the institutions of Basic Education,
according to the principle of the methodological-epistemic applicability established to the
Masters in Professionals Education. The methodological investigation considered the
specific legislation, the productions on research in education and the inferences built in
university teaching. In order to triangulate with the inferences produced, an opinion
survey was conducted through an online form. The results indicated that the applicability
principle institutes new philosophical presuppositions and promotes the reconfiguration
of contemporary educational scientific praxis, because, by placing the intervention as
central to the process of data construction and the transformation of the school space
according to its demands, it leads to tensions that are consubstantial in ethical and
scientific challenges. 

How to Cite
da Silva, A. L. G., Sá, M. A. Ávila dos S., & Nunes, J. B. A. (2019). A PESQUISA NOS MESTRADOS PROFISSIONAIS EM EDUCAÇÃO. Interação - Revista De Ensino, Pesquisa E Extensão, 20(2), 143 - 161. https://doi.org/10.33836/interacao.v20i2.164