• Ivone Oliveira Tavernard UFSCar
  • Luzia Batista de Oliveira Silva USF
  • Junior Tavernard Unesp
Keywords: Cecilia Meireles, Poetry, Education, Childhood


This article aims to reflect about Cecília Meireles’ poetic and educacional journalistic writings, particularly, writings from Crônicas de Educação (Chronicles of Education). The poet and educator, guided by an unique sensibility, looks at the childhood, the children, the family, and the school, and she makes considerations and criticims about all these dimensions of life, she stands about education scenario in a bold way, in favor of an ethical-political and aesthetic education, craving to sensitize the responsible organs for Brazilian education, defending an education for the lower classes as an emancipatory way out and a trasnformation way of the social, economy and political conditions in Brazil, in the first half of twentieth century. It also aims to discuss investigations problems, such as the journalistic chronicles and the poetic texts and in which way they can contribute for us to think about the children relations with school and teachers. Why the author’s sensibility seems to be a fundamental element of educational pratices in the childhood? What kind of educatoin and what pratices of sensitize the imaginary are fundamentals in the childhood? The masters research is methodologically structured in na critical-reflexive approach about the children’s educacion and about the childhood in Meireles’ texts, relevants to her child poetics, such as her journalistic/educational chronicles, having by it, the central objective of analisys in this article.


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How to Cite
Tavernard, I. O., Silva, L. B. de O., & Tavernard, J. (2019). PLURAL WRITING AND VIEWS, ETHICAL, POLITICAL, AND AESTHETIC VALUES IN CHILDHOOD EDUCATION. Interação - Revista De Ensino, Pesquisa E Extensão, 21(1), 20 - 29.