• Luzia Batista De Oliveira Silva USF
  • Nilo Agostini USF
Keywords: Child, Education, Sensitivity, Principles, Creative reason


It aims to discuss in this article the actuality of Mafalda’s Ten Principles (Os Dez Princípios de Mafalda), as guiding principles of an ethics and a creative reason in childhood, a contribution by “Quino” - Joaquín Salvador Lavado Tejón (1968) to Education. These Ten Principles are relevant to children's collective learning and to the adult sentitize process. The criticism of the adult world are critics by a child character, involved in the daily discussions, problems, and dilemmas of adults caused by themselves. It stands out as fundamentals values in the ten principles: right to a citizen child life, respect for the human being and for the child and its childhood, right to care, right to social, cultural and educational insertion, right to protection and citizenship, right to express creativity and curiosity, right to get knowledge of a quality education to ensure emancipation and autonomy, right to be able to educate oneself without constraints, discrimination, and class, ethnical or cultural prejudice, learning to cultivate personal and collective values without imposition and without dogmatism. Anyway, Quino seems to point to an education that values knowledge building in an open way, and also that the awakening of curiosity and creative reason are valued in the formative process, a process of mimesis, of exchange and discussion between children and adults. The childhood for Quino allows us to discuss social behaviors and ethical education through critical and creative exercises and positions supported by a sensibility and a creative reason, as forming and guiding elements of an education for thinking and valuing life.


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How to Cite
Silva, L. B. D. O., & Agostini, N. (2019). THE ACTUALITY OF MAFALDA’S TEN PRINCIPLES BY “QUINO” FOR AN ETHICAL AND A CREATIVE-REASON EDUCATION. Interação - Revista De Ensino, Pesquisa E Extensão, 21(1), 30 - 41.