• Matheus Müller ITA
  • Márcia Regina de Freitas Unesp
  • Daniel Clemente Vieira Rêgo Silva UNIFESSPA
Keywords: Rainwater, Saving, Surfaces for harvesting rainwater, Rainwater use system, Prototype


Water is one of the most important natural resources for human beings, for physiological and economical reasons, enabling and sustaining life and promoting the development of nations. Being a resource of great importance, it is strange the disregard it receives, being polluted, exhausted and unkempt. The water cycle in urban centers is already compromised, both by high soil sealing rate and by improper occupation of riverbed areas. Because of these and other factors, in mid-2014 the Southeast region suffered great shortage of this resource, with its reservoirs at very low levels. The use of rainwater is a real possibility in the urban environment, using several surfaces for harvesting it. This is an opportunity for saving water from other water sources and mitigating its treatment requirements, aiming potability. This article discuss the design of a collection, storage and rainwater use system, exploring its implementation in the metropolitan region of São Paulo, proposing improvements through an innovative prototype development for treatment and disposal of this resource. The focus is then the acceptance of the system by the population and its diffusion support by the public sector, through incentives and related measures, aiming to achieve improvements in the water problems in Brazil and in the world.


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How to Cite
Müller, M., Freitas, M. R. de, & Silva, D. C. V. R. (2020). PROTOTYPE FOR RAINWATER CAPTATION, TREATMENT AND USE IN URBAN RESIDENCES. Interação - Revista De Ensino, Pesquisa E Extensão, 22(1), 55 - 71.