There are several types of psychostimulants, from the simplest ones like caffeine and energy drinks, to drugs like ecstasy. In addition to these, there are other medications such as methylphenidate and lisdexamfetamine, which are the focus of this article. These psychotropic drugs are considered safe for those who have disorders, such as in people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), improving alertness and concentration. However, its misuse over time can cause modifications in dopaminergic and noradrenergic pathways, increasing sensitivity to anxiety disorders and intensifying the effects when combined with other stimulants, in addition to increasing the risk of addiction and causing other impacts. The purpose of this study was to analyze, based on a literature review, the use of psychostimulants, especially by young people in Brazil, its motivations and some possible consequences. It was possible to observe a high rate of young university students consuming psychostimulant drugs in order to improve cognitive performance and withstand social pressures. Many of them use the drugs without medical indication or prescription, and do not have any diagnosis of ADHD that justifies their use. The results demonstrate the importance of discussions on regulation, ethics and awareness on the subject, as well as the need to promote non-pharmacological alternatives for better productivity, such as time management, healthy eating, exercise, quality sleep and therapy.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Erika Aparecida Maia, Gabriele Vitória Arruda de Souza, Suellen Vieira Molina, Victoria Penha de Lima Braz, Roberta Ribeiro Carvalho
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