
  • Eliana Zati Silva Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas - UNISMG
  • Arlei Leite Carvalho Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas - UNISMG
  • Paolla Silva Costa Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas - UNISMG
  • Camila Neves Vieira Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas - UNISMG
  • Ernani de Souza Guimarães Junior Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas - UNISMG
  • Alessandro Messias Moreira Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas - UNISMG



Psychology, Theoretical-methodological approach, Choices


Triggered by the fierce discussions that are present in the classroom, in Psychology courses in Brazil, defense of a theoretical-methodological approach to the detriment of the other, this research corroborates a genuine interest in investigating how this choice process for the students develops and the factors intrinsic to it. Thus, the current study aimed to investigate the factors that guide the process of choosing the theoretical-methodological approach by the Psychology students from three Higher Education Institutions in the South of Minas/MG, whether they are recently enrolled and/or in advanced periods. The research sample included 100 students in total, aged between 17 and 62 years distributed from the first to the ninth period. As an investigation procedure, there is quali-qualitative research through data collection, with a mixed questionnaire. Theoretical references were added to this research in the context of this understanding. It is noted through this study that this choice process the theoretical approach is linked to the undergraduate student´s view of the world and man. It's also possible to infer some factors that corroborate the choice, such as link with teachers and greater ease in understanding the contents. Despite some common among the interviewees, the choice is based on singular narratives.

Author Biographies

Eliana Zati Silva, Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas - UNISMG

Triggered by the fierce discussions that are present in the classroom, in Psychology courses in Brazil, defense of a theoretical-methodological approach to the detriment of the other, this research corroborates a genuine interest in investigating how this choice process for the students develops and the factors intrinsic to it. Thus, the current study aimed to investigate the factors that guide the process of choosing the theoretical-methodological approach by the Psychology students from three Higher Education Institutions in the South of Minas/MG, whether they are recently enrolled and/or in advanced periods. The research sample included 100 students in total, aged between 17 and 62 years distributed from the first to the ninth period. As an investigation procedure, there is quali-qualitative research through data collection, with a mixed questionnaire. Theoretical references were added to this research in the context of this understanding. It is noted through this study that this choice process the theoretical approach is linked to the undergraduate student´s view of the world and man. It's also possible to infer some factors that corroborate the choice, such as link with teachers and greater ease in understanding the contents. Despite some common among the interviewees, the choice is based on singular narratives.

Arlei Leite Carvalho, Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas - UNISMG

Undergraduate student. Psychology student, Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas (UNIS MG). Varginha - MG.

Paolla Silva Costa, Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas - UNISMG

Undergraduate student. Psychology student, Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas (UNIS MG). Varginha - MG.

Camila Neves Vieira, Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas - UNISMG

Undergraduate student. Psychology student Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas (UNIS MG). Varginha - MG.

Ernani de Souza Guimarães Junior, Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas - UNISMG

Master's and Doctoral student. Lecturer in Psychology, Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas (UNIS MG). Varginha - MG.

Alessandro Messias Moreira, Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas - UNISMG

PhD. Lecturer in Psychology, Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas (UNIS MG). Varginha - MG.


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How to Cite

Silva, E. Z., Carvalho, A. L., Costa, P. S., Vieira, C. N., Guimarães Junior, E. de S., & Moreira, A. M. (2024). BETWEEN THEORETICAL DIVERSITIES AND CHOICES: AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE ELECTIVE PROCESS IN THE FIELD OF PSYCHOLOGY. Revista Mythos, 21(2), 153–164.

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