UX Maturity in Southeast Brazilian Companies
Managers' Perspectives on the Evolution of User-Centered Practices
User-centered experience, Maturity level, Organizational maturity, UX maturity, Nielsen Norman GroupAbstract
User Experience (UX) refers to all interactions users have with a product or service, from the initial impression to its actual use. UX maturity assesses an organization’s ability to effectively deliver user-centered design. Organizations with a higher level of UX maturity are better able to provide products that align with their customers' needs. However, reaching UX maturity is challenging, requiring strategic, cultural, and procedural changes. This study aimed to assess the UX maturity of companies in the Southeast region of Brazil from the perspective of their managers. The study follows a qualitative approach, with interviews conducted with 10 UX managers. The analysis and classification of the organizations' UX maturity were based on the Nielsen Norman Group model. Results showed that the "Structured" and "User-Driven" maturity levels are the most common in these organizations. This indicates that while UX practices are generally well-organized, there are still challenges in reaching a level of maturity where users are central to all decision-making.
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