Territory and deterritorialization
a nomadic becoming in Therapeutic Support
Nomadic clinic; Territory; Deterritorialization; TherapeuticAccompaniment.Abstract
The practice of Therapeutic Accompaniment (TA) can be considered as a clinic that causes the opening of new spaces to work with people in mental distress, going beyond the idea that interventions should take place in closed settings. Intertwining with postulates from other clinics that seek to transcend the medical-centered model, it is thought of as a hybrid and itinerant composition of a collective of professionals that can favor new forms of treatment, indicated here as a becoming-nomad, in a process deterritorialization of those accompanied, that is, leaving where you are to open up other possibilities for meeting, in the territory of people’s lives. It is not intended that the function of these professionals is to stick to previously indicated protocols and/or truths, but rather to expand their field of action as a care strategy that works between clinical knowledge and a network connector in favor of a subject who suffers in his suffering existence.
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